College and Career Week

Thursday, September 28 - Thursday, October 5
Get ready for a fun time on campus!

CAST YOUR VOTE on Facebook for your favorite college theme door (or your favorite teacher) and share! Voting begins Monday, October 2. Like and comment on the post to cast your vote and to be entered into a drawing to win a special prize!


  • Friday, September 29: School Swag Day - BCS t-shirt with khaki shorts or jeans

  • Tuesday, October 3: Favorite College Day - dress to show who your favorite college is

  • Friday, October 6: School Spirit Day - dress out in gold & blue - we’ll end the day with a popsicle party!


  • Thursday, September 28:
    Dress: business attire in navy or black - professional dress sets the tone for the day
    Event: GAFutures Speaker (12:30-1:30pm), Class Ring Ceremony & Juniors Reception (1:45pm), Letter Jacket Sizing w/Jostens - Parents and guests will join us to discuss collegiate planning and celebrate our Junior class. Jostens will be available just before school dismissal for those who need to order letter jackets.

  • Friday, September 29
    Dress: School Swag Day - BCS t-shirt with khaki shorts or jeans
    Event: Probe College Fair - Juniors and Seniors travel off campus to Albany State University to attend the Georgia Probe College Tour, an annual program of college fairs providing higher education access to students.

  • Monday, October 2:
    Dress: Favorite Sports Team - dress to support your team
    Event (Mon-Wed Oct 2-4): voting begins for BCS door decorating contest

  • Tuesday, October 3:
    Dress: Favorite College - Are you an artist who dreams of attending SCAD or an engineer headed for MIT? Wear the swag to let us know!
    Event (Mon-Wed Oct 2-4): vote for BCS door decorating contest

  • Wednesday, October 4:
    Dress: Dream Career - Where do you want to be in 10 years? Show us the scrubs or dress in the uniform of the career you plan to pursue.
    Event (Mon-Wed Oct 2-4): vote for BCS door decorating contest

  • Thursday, October 5:
    Dress: House colors
    Event: Tailgate Party Students will decorate their tailgates for the event, which will be held in the parking lot adjacent to the wood gym. Judges will select the most impressive tailgates, and that House will win the trophy for the first official HOUSE COMPETITION. BCS Church & School volunteers will grill hotdogs, serve goodies, and set up games to enjoy. 

  • Friday, October 6:
    Dress: Get decked out in navy and gold to support the Saints!
    Event: Each class will make a 15 second Saints Spirit video to be used in social media blasts to support our sports teams! We’ll end the day with a popsicle party!


Murder Mystery at the Murder Mystery


New Basketball Teams for 5th - 6th Grade Boys & Girls