New Titles, Familiar Faces

On campus, you can sense the excitement and anticipation as the school year approaches. God has blessed Byne in countless ways this season - including with an incredible faculty and staff.  Almost every teacher is returning with another year of growth and development. We also have an excellent administrative team providing clarity and support. Two of members of our team have earned promotions.

Amy Haynes joined the Byne team two years ago as the Hybrid Director. She has worked closely with parents and teachers to refine the educational experience for our families who do school on campus and at home. Drawing from her years of experience in the classroom and leading local homeschool groups, Amy is now Academic Administrator. In this role, Amy will now oversee all academic programs and teacher development.

Michelle Smithheart is entering her second year at Byne, but her first year as Office Administrator. She joined us with vast experience in Christian and public school settings. Michelle has improved everything she has touched in the office. She is now responsible for most operations, systems, and process.

We believe our families will experience much improvement due to the hard work of these two leaders and so many others!


Soccer Returns


Pumpkin Patch!