UPDATED Drop-Off/Pick-Up Information

UPDATED 8/25/23

The black gate within the gym parking area is now designated as the Drop-Off Entrance for parents of lower grammar students (K3-2nd) who wish to walk their children inside. You are welcome to park next to the gym and enter at the black gate. Please remember to exit by 8am or go to the office for a visitor’s badge. Also, we ask for parents to remain in the hallway at all times and keep conversation with the teacher to a minimum to ensure proper oversight. Drop-off for all other students remains at the portico on the Hwy 82 side of the building. Please reference the map below.

For those with students in both grammar (K3-6) and logic/rhetoric (7-12), you will use the Grammar Drop-Off/Pick-Up entrance for both drop-off and pick-up purposes. Your logic/rhetoric student will walk to the Grammar Pick-Up entrance.


  • K3-2nd walk-in only at black gate (No drop off here). Please do not enter into classrooms. Make sure to exit the building by 8am, or obtain a visitor's pass from the front office. This allows our teachers to begin their day on time.

  • Please do not get out of your car in a car line (whether to buckle or unbuckle a seatbelt). This allows the lines to move quicker.

  • Please pull into the front church parking lot (as pictured above) to buckle your child's carseat out of traffic so that the exit line never stalls.

Thank you!! We have the best parents!!


In order to simplify the process and increase safety, the following changes have been made to after school care pick-up.

When picking up students from after-school care, all parents must first check in at the Grammar Drop-Off/Pick-Up entrance. If students are in the grammar hall, they will be reunited with parents at that time. If students are in an alternate activity space (gymnasium, playground, etc), parents will drive to the alternate activity location which will be marked with a flag. Leaders will be notified of the parent’s arrival and students will be released to their care.

If you have additional questions, contact Holly Peek, the After School Care Lead at hpeek@bcssaints.org.

After School Care Pick-Up Map


Partners, Not Replacements


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