Monday, January 8 - Saturday, January 13, 2024
HOMECOMING WEEK is going to be a blast! In keeping with our 40th-year celebration, we will celebrate in 80s style! Each day, students will dress up according to the theme listed below. On Friday, we will have a parade, tailgate lunch, glow pep rally, basketball game, and homecoming court. The week will culminate with a homecoming dance on Saturday night.
Monday: Anything but a Backpack Day
Get imaginative and stash your school essentials in something unique—whether it's a funky tote, a vintage briefcase, or a DIY creation. Let's kick off Homecoming Week with style and show off our creative spirit!
Tuesday: Rhyme Without Reason
Grab some friends and pair up in whimsical rhyming costumes—think Winnie and Minnie, a referee with a bumblebee, or even a cat, bat, and rat!
Wednesday: 80s Cartoons
Time travel to Toon Town and transform into your favorite 80s cartoon character. Whether you're rocking the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or channeling your inner Care Bear, let's bring the animated magic to life!
Thursday: 80s Day
Get ready to rock your best 80s attire and take a trip back in time with us to when BCS first began. You may also wear your Homecoming t-shirt on this day.
Friday: School Spirit/ Glow Day
Wear your Homecoming t-shirt, or deck yourself out in any neon shirt that can be seen from outer space and will be sure to “glow” under the black light at our glow party pep rally.
Join us on Friday, January 12 to help make our 40-year celebration complete!
Park in the lot by the school office. Check-in at the Entrance Flag/Welcome Tent. Friends and family are encouraged to come to the parade and are welcome to stay at all of our events on Friday.
If you will be joining us for lunch, please RSVP. Cut off is at 3 pm on Thursday, January 11:
11:30 am: Homecoming Parade: Join us in the parking lot for an entertaining parade!
12:30 pm: Schoolwide Tailgate Party Lunch
1:30 pm: Pep Rally in gym…glow day w/black lights
Basketball games:
4:00 pm: JV Games
7:00 pm: Varsity Games
The HOCO Court will walk at halftime during the Varsity Boys Game
Saturday: Homecoming dance
Who: 9-12 grades; Byne affiliated homeschoolers included (a la carte and sports)
Time: 7:00-11:30pm
Where: Blue Gym
Cost: $20 per ticket
Attire: Semi-formal. All girls must seek approval from the dress committee (including guests) by Friday, January 12 at 3:00 pm. Fingertip length, no cleavage, half back covered, no cutouts, no sheer. Please send a picture of yourself in the dress showing the front of the dress (hands by your side), the back of the dress, and both sides of the dress to If you are bringing a date, your date must adhere to this dress code as well.
Note: All non-BCS students (including dates) must fill out the form and purchase their ticket)