A Community Christmas Celebration
This Christmas season, join us in a celebration of the birth of Christ!
We are excited to invite churches from Albany and the surrounding areas to come together and share the story of Jesus through the musical drama, The Christmas Post. We welcome families and surrounding church communities to unite in song and spirit on December 14 & 15.
Rehearsals begin on September 8th from 3-5 pm at the Byne Worship Center, with ongoing practices every Sunday from 3-5 pm and Wednesday from 7-8 pm. You’re welcome to attend the rehearsal that best suits your schedule.
For more information, reach out to the Byne Church Office at 229-436-5700 or contact Vickie Knuckles, Theatre Director, at vknuckles@bcssaints.org. Let’s make this Christmas season a time of joyous community and worship!